Picture this: You work a ten-hour day without lunch (only coffee to keep your body fueled), you leave work and head directly to your daughter’s softball game; from there you run through a fast food drive-through to purchase a dinner for your family that will likely be eaten while standing at the kitchen counter. When you finish cramming food down your throat, you realize that your body aches for rest. We all experience this type of fatigue. But what about those of us who are unexplainably tired? Those who get a solid eight hours of sleep, eat a fairly healthy diet, and work hard to control stressors may still experience fatigue and have no explanation for why they are constantly exhausted. At KadileAtric Power Principle®, we have decades of experience helping our patients diagnose and treat this type of fatigue.
It’s All In the Adrenals
In many cases, unexplained fatigue is the result of an adrenal deficiency. Sounds simple enough, but adrenal fatigue is not a common diagnosis in traditional medicine. This is for two reasons: first, the “normal” range established by labs is so vast that results from blood tests may be inconclusive; second, traditional doctors are discouraged from diagnosing adrenal fatigue because it does not conveniently fit into the disease codes established by the World Health Organization. For these reasons, it is easier for doctors to treat the symptoms of adrenal fatigue instead of the root causes.
What Dr. Kadile Can Do
Part of the first stage of the KadileAtric Power Principle® is testing, testing, and more testing. This vital step allows Dr. Kadile to determine not only what may be keeping you from losing weight, but also what may be keeping you from feeling energized during the day. From the data collected, he can devise a diet and supplement plan that will allow you to experience increased energy levels. You will wake up feeling rested, experience energy surges during the day, and feel a sense of vitality. When your system works properly, you may experience additional perks, such as weight loss, reduced blood pressure, and reduced stress levels. These are not tests or treatments that are typically provided by traditional medical doctors, but a standard held by KadileAtric Power Principle® and Dr. Kadile.
If you are tired of being tired, let us help. Contact KadileAtric Power Principle® to schedule an appointment with Dr. Kadile. We look forward to helping you regain the sparkle in your eyes and the hop in your step.