What’s Really Causing Your Digestive Issues?
Watch television for more than 15 minutes and it’s obvious: Americans are plagued with digestive issues. Bloating, nausea, gas, diarrhea, heartburn … you name it, there’s a prescription or over-the-counter medication just for you. But don’t run to your nearest drug store just yet. Often times, these man-made remedies only complicate stomach issues. Sure, your symptoms may be masked, but what’s causing you to have digestive problems in the first place? Click here to learn about the real reason your digestive health is suffering.
It’s Complicated
The digestive process involves much of your body, from the upper gastrointestinal tract (which includes your mouth and stomach) to the lower gastrointestinal tract (your intestines). Something that seems simple — such as not chewing your food sufficiently — can actually lead to a number of issues.
The Main Culprits
As I mentioned, the digestive system is complicated. It takes time and testing to get to the bottom of what causes digestive issues. Still, after all of my years in practice, I can often narrow it down to the same few culprits: processed foods, antacids, and bacterial imbalances.
- Processed foods are HIGHLY TOXIC! The artificial sweeteners, colors, flavors, and preservatives are processed by your body as poisons. This sets your antibodies in motion; while they’re attacking the toxins, they’re also taking healthy cells out of commission.
- Antacids may mask your symptoms, but they’re actually causing more harm to your digestive system. It may seem counterintuitive, but when you have heartburn or acid reflux, what you need is more acidity, not less. After a while, antacids compound the problem. Additionally, the ingredients in over-the-counter antacids prevent you from properly absorbing the vitamins and minerals that naturally aid the digestive process.
- We all have both good and bad bacteria in our guts. When you eat junk such as grains, processed foods, sugars, and starches, you feed the bad bacteria, causing it to overwhelm the good. Not only will this cause digestive issues, but a number of other nasty conditions such as bad breath, yeast infections, and impaired immunity.
If you’ve been experiencing digestive issues, be very careful with what you put in your body. There is much more to the digestive system than the foods you eat, but food is the first thing you can take control over in your quest for improved digestive health. Contact my office soon to schedule a consultation so we can talk about other ways to live your healthiest life.