What Does Optimal Health Actually Look Like?
I talk about optimal health all the time. You may have come to me for weight loss, allergy treatment, or hormone replacement therapy, but the ultimate goal with every treatment protocol is to not only regain your health, but experience optimal health. But how do you know you’ve reached that point? What aches and pains are normal and what are signs of poor health? Are you healthy or is there still work to do?
The Top 5 Indicators of Optimal Health
This list isn’t exhaustive, by any means, but it should give you an idea of what we’re striving for as we work together.
- Ideal Inflammation Levels — We’re not talking about the inflammation that occurs as the result of an injury, we’re talking about the chronic inflammation that is associated with many illnesses. When your inflammation levels are low (and stay low), you’re well on the road to optimal health.
- Balanced Hormones — From thyroid problems to excessive progesterone levels, hormone imbalances can make us feel terrible. When your endocrine system is working as it should, you will feel energized, your brain will be clear, and your mood will be stable.
- Good Gut Health — Imbalanced gut flora can cause a host of problems, including gas, diarrhea, bloating, and constipation. When you have good gut health, you won’t experience any of the aforementioned discomforts and you will have regular and comfortable bowel movements.
- Stable Weight — Once you’ve reached a healthy weight, the next struggle is to maintain it for the rest of your life. If you remain the same weight (give or take a couple pounds) for the long term, chances are you have reached or are approaching optimal health.
- No Nutrient Deficiencies — Nutrient deficiencies are often overlooked by traditional health practitioners; the truth is, they can have a huge impact on how you feel and function. When the vitamins (such as A and B) and minerals (such as iron and potassium) in your system are sufficient, consider yourself lucky, because you’re well on your way to optimal health.
There are many other indicators, but these are just a few that I consider every time we meet. If you feel like you’re not as healthy as you could be, call my office to schedule an appointment. There are lots of things we can do to help you feel your best.
Dr. Kadile