IV bag

Chelation Therapy 101

Chelation Therapy 101 There are several reasons why The KadileAtric Power PrincipleⓇ works. One is that we don’t just treat symptoms and send you on your way, we look for the causes of your symptoms and treat those. Another reason is that we are not in cahoots with Big Pharma; when we don’t focus on…

man staring at food on a plate

Beware of Diet Trends!

Beware of Diet Trends! Unless you avoid media and social media altogether, you can’t help but be bombarded with advertisements for diets and diet products. From the celebrity-endorsed weight-loss programs that promise weight loss if you only eat their meals and “health” shakes to the miracle teas that will help you shed pounds by simply…

Man who can't sleep

Get a Good Night’s Sleep (the Right Way)

There’s nothing like a good night’s sleep. When we sleep, our body rejuvenates itself; muscles repair, the brain consolidates memories, hormones that regulate growth and appetite are released, and our energy is restored. When we don’t get sufficient sleep, we are more likely to make mistakes, get into accidents, and overeat. Those who are sleep-deprived…