It’s hard to believe that the holiday season is already here. It seems like just yesterday we were enjoying summer vacation, and now time-treasured family Thanksgiving recipes are being unearthed, holiday cards are being thoughtfully penned, and New Year’s Eve plans are being made. The holidays provide a wonderful opportunity to spend time with loved ones and create lasting memories, but when you are on a weight loss journey and trying to live a healthy lifestyle, the holidays can be daunting. Each social engagement can seem like a trap, causing more anxiety than joy. Will there be healthy options available for you? Will they be on board with your goals or expect you to cast your healthy meals aside until the new year begins? While I can’t promise that you won’t be tempted, I can provide some helpful hints that will help you stick to the Kadileatric Power Principles this season. Here’s how:
- Stock up on healthy foods. If healthy options are readily available, you’ll be less tempted to dip into the egg nog, candy canes, or homemade pies. If company is expected, treat them to a tray of fresh crudites instead of sweets. Even the most hard-core sugar fiend needs a break from candy every once in awhile.
- Offer to “bring a dish.” This gives you some control over your options when you visit friends and family members. No matter what else is on the table, there will be at least one healthy dish that you can eat without guilt.
- Avoid alcohol. Depending on what stage of the KPP you’re in, alcohol may be permitted in moderation. When you are enticed by unhealthy foods, however, avoiding alcohol altogether may be the best course of action. Even a single glass of red wine can cloud your judgement, making that garlic bread look too tempting to resist.
- Remember how your body responds to food. One or two indulgences won’t completely undo all of your hard work as far as weight loss is concerned. As you’ve learned from the KPP, however, food can be curative or it can be toxic. Even if the scale barely budges, the inflammation, gastrointestinal distress, and other side effects can last for days.
I plan to enjoy my holidays, and I want the same for you. What I don’t want is for you to feel guilt if you decide to splurge on something that is not Kadile-approved. Still, being mindful of the tips above might just keep you from completely reversing the progress you’ve made. The most important tip I can offer is to remember that I am here for you — even during the holidays. If you need to check in, contact my office to schedule an appointment.